Sam Hunt is one of those guys who does everything well. First it was sports, then it was music. In fact, even his best friends admit that, "If I didn't love him so much, I'd hate him." However, Hunt's country career almost came to an end before it began. Do you know why and what — or who? — saved him?

The "House Party" singer's music gig didn't get going until college, and even after that he was still more focused on touchdown passes that chart-topping hits. Hip-hop artists like Usher are influences, but so are some traditional country mainstays. Hunt is a huge fan of '90s country, admitting that he can probably recite every song from the decade.

Watch this episode of You Think You Know Country? to understand how this unique singer got his start, and to see what other opportunities he had once moving to Nashville. You'll also find out a Hunt family secret while just generally enjoying more than three minutes of his best (and yes, ladies, sexiest) photos.

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