Grandmothers are awesome for a number of reasons. They shower you with love and affection, load you with sugar, and send you back to raise Hell with your parents.

They are also amazing cooks. Both my grandmothers know how to cook. Their cookbooks are filled with newspaper clippings and handwritten recipes passed down generations. The book itself is stained and mangled, but still legible. It's been splattered with sauce so many times it almost smells like "home."

This week, I made a Cassavaugh family favorite: Meatball grinders, as the Cassavaugh clan calls them. New Yorkers call them meatball subs. Whichever your preference, these are a staple in most households.

I'm going to give you my grandmother McCoy's meatball recipe, which is simple, yet delicious. And, yes, these meatballs get a 10 out of 10 from me.

Big Chuck Tries It

Here's what you need:

1 pound -- Ground beef
1 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 egg, slightly beaten
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup bread crumbs
3 Tbsp water
2 Tbsp Parmesan cheese
1 jar prepared spaghetti sauce

Mozzarella cheese
Hoagie rolls


1. Mix and Form

Mix together ground beef, salt, pepper, egg, garlic, bread crumbs, water, and Parmesan cheese and form into balls of your desired size. I made 7 large meatballs (slightly larger than a golf ball).


2. Brown and cook

Brown meatballs in oil, then place in spaghetti sauce and simmer, covered, for 1 hour


3. Plate

Place meatballs onto hoagie rolls, spoon spaghetti sauce over meatballs and top with mozzarella cheese.


4. Take a bite shot


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