Any guesses as to where I took this picture from?  If you guessed "Table Rock" on the Hartwick College campus, then you guessed correctly.  Table Rock is a well known giant rock that sits on top of one of Hartwick's hills and it overlooks Oneonta, NY.  It takes less than 10 minutes to hike up to Table Rock if you park in the nearest parking area at the trail's head, which leads up to a scenic view you will love. I think it's stunning and the best view in Oneonta.

For directions on how to get there, CLICK HERE.

Here's an interesting note about where the name Oneonta came from.  According to the Oneonta Historical Society, 'the word "Oneonta" comes from the Iroquois "Onaanta," which has had several translations. Oneonta author and early historian Dudley Campbell states, "Oneonta comes from the Iroquois word meaning mountain." Fred Jackson, writing in the "Centennial of the City of Oneonta" in 1948, refers to Oneonta meaning "where the rocks crop out." '


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