

Doctor Who is a British Sci-Fi show produced by the BBC. It has been regarded in Britain by the critics and the public as one of the best shows currently being aired...It's quite popular here in the states too!

The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord, a time-travelling, humanoid alien known as the Doctor,  who explores the universe in a special time machine called the TARDIS that flies through time and space, whose exterior appears as a blue police call box from London in 1963. Along with a succession of  companions, he faces a plethora of foes including the Daleks, Cybermen and Weeping Angels while working to save civilisations, help people and right wrongs.

As a Time Lord the Doctor is able to regenerate and change his body type. Each new incarnation has their own differences from the others and personality  but they all share the same memories.


.....But that's not even the start of it....So why should you watch it?


  • The  Eleventh Doctor  (Portrayed by Matt Smith) is rather silly and childish at times while remaining completely serious at the same time.


  • The Tenth Doctor (Portrayed by David Tennant) has more personality than you've probably seen in a long time....contained in one person. Tennant is an extremely good actor, as seen in this extended cut.
  • It has some a variety of different genres of elements added into it's plot, making it a show that a large variety of people may become interested in.
  • It pulls you in and the  characters are easily understandable (and all have quite a bit of personality too!)
  • The whole plot line in general! It's just very well told.  It may be hard to understand if you just watch some random episode, but if you watch it from the beginning you are bound to understand the rest of the series.  It's a very well developed and well told story


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