Being a first-time mom is hard enough. Add moving across the country, filming a reality show, doing charity work and releasing an EP into the mix and you've got a very, very busy 26-year-old. Jessie James Decker does all that and more now that baby girl Vivianne Rose has arrived.

On April 18, Decker released her newest EP 'Comin' Home' to digital retailers everywhere. That morning, the EP climbed to No. 1 on the iTunes country chart. Meanwhile Decker was on the phone with ToC -- and feeding her new baby.

"I’m actually breastfeeding her right now as I’m doing this interview," Decker told Taste of Country. Before talking about the new music, she gushed about her love for the little girl.

I used to write about experiences that a 20-year-old would write about -- going out with your friends, having a drink. … I’m now a wife and that’s a different style of sexy now.

"I mean I truly feel like I was born to be this little girl’s mommy. I mean it's just incredible. I love her so much. The first week of having her I cried like every day I was like ‘I love her so much',” she says with a laugh. She attributes her ability to handle handle it all to her ability to multitask. "That’s the great thing about women is they are multitaskers and they can do it all.”

“It just kind of works," Decker says modestly. "I feel like it’s no different than how other moms balance their lives, you know, when they’ve gotta take their kid to soccer practice and their husband, they’ve gotta have dinner ready."

While Decker was pregnant, she was even trying to balance recording for her newest EP -- which was very challenging. Being pregnant affected her breathing, she says.

“As I was recording the whole thing -- [the reality show] only captured like one piece of one of the songs -- but as I was recording the whole thing over the two days I was like ‘Oh my God like I’m not able to sing as well. Something is so weird. I can’t hit these high notes,’ she says. "But it turned out, as you saw, I had the flu and the H1N1 virus so that was definitely altering it. But I will tell you, it really does make your voice change big time.”

Jessie James
Gilbert Carrasquillo, Getty Images

That's right. Not only was the new mom balancing being pregnant with recording but she was also pretty sick -- and capturing it all on film for the second season of her and husband (NFL wide receiver) Eric Decker's reality show 'Eric and Jessie: Game On.' The show captured much of her pregnancy but Decker says there were some things they didn't want the camera to see.

“We definitely don’t allow them to see everything but we went into this being open minded and allowing them to see a lot of our lives and a lot of our experiences but we definitely have a say so in what they can see and what they can’t see and we definitely believe in a certain amount of privacy."

"And because we have a show people would assume we’re not private but actually there is definitely a degree of privacy when it comes to our family and certain scenarios I mean I didn’t allow for any of the cameras to come with me to the hospital when I gave birth to our baby girl. We filmed it ourselves and I’m only going to allow them to have whatever I want to give them.”

The singer-songwriter used her reality show to also promote her music. On a recent episode she debuted a song that is near and dear to heart, 'Mama Wrote You A Lullaby.' The sweet song is one she wrote about her baby girl with a songwriter friend, Alyssa Bonagura, who has also made appearances on the reality show.

“It was very emotional and I definitely cried a lot writing it because I was just so excited to have this little girl," she says of the songwriting process. "I’m excited for people to hear it and I decided to put it on the EP because I just thought, you know, maybe this is something other moms will want to have for their baby girl.”

The first week of having her (baby Vivianne Rose) I cried like every day I was like ‘I love her so much'

Obviously the songwriting process for this album was a little different now that she's really entering adulthood. Decker is now a wife and mom and both of those roles affected the songs she wrote and recorded. “Just getting married and having a baby has changed everything. I used to write about experiences that a 20-year-old would write about -- going out with your friends, having a drink. You know things were a little bit sexier in a different way. Now, you know, I’m a mom and I want to filter some of the things that I say. I want her to be proud of me when she hears this music one day. I’m now a wife and that’s a different style of sexy now.”

"I think the one I’m most proud of as a songwriter is ‘Breaking Your Heart’ because it was just a different style for me. It was very, I feel like it was very old-timey Patsy Cline. It’s got a very 50s feel to it and I pushed myself to write those lyrics very intimately with my co-writer Ted Bruner.

"I’m really proud of ‘Coming Home,' I wrote that about Eric and I just feel like it’s very relatable for anyone who has to be away from their loved ones, you know, for long periods of time -- our military, people who are working. It’s pretty special.”

Comin Home

Luckily, Decker is planning to keep the family together as much as she can no matter where it is. She considers Nashville home but with her football player husband recently signing with the New York Jets the couple is on the hunt for a home in New Jersey.

When she's not busy singing and being a mom and wife, her and Eric also work on Deckers Dogs. The charity helps find dogs specifically for returning military members.

"I don’t think a lot of them get the help that they need when they come back," Decker says of war veterans. "They see some things out there that we will never see or understand so they need help when they come back here. These dogs are phenomenal, they’re trained to be there for them emotionally. It’s just something that’s very near and dear to my heart.”

Look for 'Comin' Home' at iTunes. Catch her and her husband Eric on E! at 10PM ET on Sundays.

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