I've been watching NFL games with my husband during the playoffs and as someone who's New Year's resolution is to eat smaller portions and eat healthier than ever, it's nothing short of torture to stay tuned to any given game.  

Where are the vegetables?!  All you get to see during commercial breaks is a full array of everything we should be avoiding in our diet: beer, pizza with EXTRA cheese, fried chicken, and the list goes on.  Although, I did see an Oikos yogurt commercial which was the only healthy food featured throughout the game.  Can't we see a salad once in a while? How about fruit?  I'll take a view of ANYTHING healthy for pete's sake!

I know, it's a pipe dream to think that commercial content is going to change considering that the target market during a football game is men and that group does NOT want to see commercials for vegetables and fruit.  I just wish there was a little something for the ladies who also watch. The moral of this story is definitely avoid male oriented TV if you don't want to be tempted to reach for naughty foods.

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